Catalyzing Intentional Communities and Neighborhoods

The purpose of this group is to support the members of our greater community who are actively pursuing a more connected, sustainable lifestyle by joining or creating community where they live.

Specifically, we are focusing on the actual settlement of houses and how through sharing resources, time and energy we create more resiliency on the homefront.

We intend to support both the practical and physical challenges involved in creating community where you live, and also the psychological aspects of this endeavor. We also intend to help people network and find other like minded people with whom to create community with.

We know that community means different things to different people. Our first event will be to invite people from all of our lists to a community mapping event so that we can get clear on what needs exist at this time. We anticipate that we will attract people who are looking to rent or own property in a shared context. We also hope to attract those who are interested in building intentionality into their existing neighborhoods.

After we get clear on the communities needs, we will develop a monthly, bi-monthly, and or seasonal program to support seekers of community.

We are strongly allied with the Intentional Communities course at OAEC, the FIC (Fellowship of Intentional Community) Art of Community event that is occurring for the second concurrent year in Occidental, and dozens of other movers and shakers in the Bay Area.

Cassandra Ferrera's work in this arena has earned her the reputation as the “community real estate agent” and has resulted in a very strong network of professionals, volunteers, and dwellers in the community movement. Cassandra is the workgroup representative on the Council for Catalyzing Intentional Communities and Neighborhoods.





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