Healthcare Initiative

The healthcare group is currently open for those with some background in the health field, either western allopathic, eastern or alternative. We meet as a larger group monthly to support local health related projects, brainstorm ways to support the community health needs and seek to find ways to make medicine more sustainable. This group contains smaller focus groups that may meet more often. The smaller groups may be closed or by invitation only. The larger monthly group is open by invitation. Once someone has attended a meeting; they can join the google group list where we stay connected with each other.

This group is not for promotion of any particular approach and is not appropriate for those seeking answers to their health challenges. We will be offering resources for this purpose at some point as well as announcing other projects and events.

To learn more or to be invited to the healthcare group, send an email to or

Seeking volunteers:

We are seeking volunteer administrative help; data entry, filing, organizing and more. This position could eventually be paid. Please inquire to Julia at


By the people, for the people… and for the planet!

To create, foster and develop a resilient, integrative healthcare system within and for the town of Sebastopol that aims to be both economically and environmentally viable . This system will incorporate the best of both allopathic and alternative health care approaches, aligning with the values of the Transition agenda:  i.e., minimizing the carbon footprint of our human activities while incorporating low energy, locally based technologies and resources.
This group is focused on: building a sustainable model of healthcare by the people and for the people, creating a network with currently practicing medicine makers, practitioners and health/healing centers, and developing a clinic/center that operates from a sustainable paradigm.  Including service delivery, education, information and research, this group will envision a locally responsive and responsible system for fostering and maintaining health, and then put these ideas into practice.  We will actively monitor the needs of our community being mindful that:  1)  all people must have an opportunity to receive the care they need, regardless of economic status, and 2) the ecosystem is also a part of our community, and impacts of human activity on the environment must be acknowledged.
Our general plan within the next 6-12 months includes the following:

  • A meeting with those of you who have already signed up with your interest in the healthcare group (you will hear from us by the fall) 
  • A larger meeting to solicit the wisdom of the community and brainstorm a working system to address the concerns of healthcare, as expressed in the mission statement.
  • A “Healthcare Day” where practitioners will be invited to share their gifts with the community. 
  • A Health Education Series with invited speakers to empower the community members in their health

Ongoing: Research and networking for healthcare concerns and solutions.
A protocol for a sustainable health/healing practice (local medicines, energy sources, and so forth) and a list of practitioners within the Transition movement willing to adhere to it.
We know this is a huge agenda. And we know that it can only become reality with many of you involved. We don’t know exactly how we will get there, but we are clear that we need to get there. Healthcare professionals interested in getting involved in the group in some way can contact. Rev. Julia Bystrova, M.A., M.T. - 707-321-0644

With high hopes and humble hearts,
The HealthCare Team:
Dr Gary Pace
Julia Bystrova
Wendy Taylor
Marc Lancaster
Moses Goldberg

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