Sebastopol Collective Meditation
A casual community supported program for all Sebastasouls, willing to connect in silence, contemplation, and stillness.
Meditation is a resource for inner strength and resilience to enable us to respond wisely to challenges in our lives, including those facing us in the era of peak oil, climate change, and energy descent. This meditation evening creates space for shared silence and stillness within our community, honoring inspiration and insights from various spiritual traditions.
Sebastopol Collective Meditation
A casual community supported program for all Sebastasouls, willing to connect in silence, contemplation, and stillness.
Meditation is a resource for inner strength and resilience to enable us to respond wisely to challenges in our lives. This non-sectarian collective meditation will draw on the insights and inspiration from various spiritual traditions to support personal meditation practice and sacred space within our community.
Sebastopol Collective Meditation
A casual community supported program for all Sebastasouls, willing to connect in silence, contemplation, and stillness.
Meditation is a resource for inner strength and resilience to enable us to respond wisely to challenges in our lives. This non-sectarian collective meditation will draw on the insights and inspiration from various spiritual traditions to support personal meditation practice and sacred space within our community.
Sebastopol Collective Meditation
A casual community supported program for all Sebastasouls, willing to connect in silence, contemplation, and stillness.
Meditation is a resource for inner strength and resilience to enable us to respond wisely to challenges in our lives. This non-sectarian collective meditation will draw on the insights and inspiration from various spiritual traditions to support personal meditation practice and sacred space within our community.
Meditation is a resource for inner strength and resilience to enable us to respond wisely to challenges in our lives. This non-sectarian collective meditation will draw on the insights and inspiration from various spiritual traditions to support personal meditation practice and sacred space within our community.
For all Sebastsouls, willing to connect in silence, contemplation, and stillness.
Every Thursday
~ optional potluck afterward~
@ The dhyana Center
7740 Atkinson Rd. (2 blocks N of Andy's Grocery)
for information:
Meditation is a resource for inner strength and resilience to enable us to respond wisely to challenges in our lives. This non-sectarian, unguided, collective meditation will draw on the insights and inspiration from various spiritual traditions to support personal meditation practice.
What do you think is coming with planetary and economic changes, and how does it make you feel?
Many people are feeling that things are in a challenging place, and that it may get more challenging. Some people are feeling a hard pinch right now. Sometimes we just need to talk about it with each other and be heard. It can be healing to express how you are feeling. can help to explore with others what you can do about it.
On Monday, January 25 the Transition Sebastopol Heart & Soul group is holding a Fishbowl event where you can do just that.
This month we want to give voice to the GROUP WISDOM. Anyone who wants to share their beliefs, concerns or thoughts about Transition challenges and how to translate these challenges into opportunities will be given space to do so. We'll be using a new format where we'll all get the benefit of one another's great ideas. We know you are wise souls with good hearts and we want you all to come and share your inspirations. We’ll provide some questions to get it started.
We will also have our chance to make announcements and to ask for help or offer resources -- the Needs & Shares section we've done all along.
See you there:
Monday Jan. 25
7 pm to 9 pm
165 N Main St
Downtown Sebastopol Donation suggested (just to pay the rent)
Give others the greatest gift you have--YOU! In this gathering we will come together in heartful presence to acknowledge and facilitate a living antidote to the busy, consumer-driven holiday around us. There will be a sacred space meditation followed by a sharing circle. Bring something that truly expresses YOU and your gifts--a song, poem, dance, story, artwork, anything that expresses your unique heart and soul! (please limit to 3 minutes) Or just come and simply be the gift that you are!
In the spirit of supporting deeper community and a gifting economy, there will also be an opportunity to ask for what you need and to share what you have.
We will be gathering on Monday, Nov. 30th for our next round of
sharing, exchange and other activity. We are currently working on the
agenda, so stay tuned for more details. Meanwhile, we would love your
feedback on some of the possibilities that YOU would most like to see
happen at the next meeting and/or subsequent meetings.
Yours in Heartfelt Community,
The Heart and Soul Intiating Team
Heart and Soul Gathering!
Monday, November 30th
7:00 - 9:00 PM
165 N Main St.
More info on the directions:
This event is being held in the classroom space of the Eastern Holistic Center. The entry is to the immediate right of the main street entrance for Sprint Copy Center. There are stairs leading to the loft. We regret that the meeting room is upstairs and may limit some of youwho have mobility challenges. We are currently seeking other, more accessible, spaces.
We will be gathering again (yay!) to further the agenda of Transition Sebastopol Heart and Soul group--namely to facilitate and generate ways to support each other in our inner journeys as we travel these times of change.
We were inspired to see so many wonderful souls gather at our initial meeting and we would now like to continue the conversation started. In this next meeting, we will deepen the connections and discussions
around what it can look like to really show up for each other in this way.
This gathering will be simple and sweet, no frills. Just time together getting to the heart of what we want to see blossom and nourish our deeper selves. The gathering will be structured to facilitate this.
We will be asking the questions of what each of us is seeking and what each of us has to offer in relation to the care and feeding of our hearts and our souls.
There will be an opportunity for you to ask for support and There will be an opportunity to offer your resources as well.
We will be spending a good part of the time really sharing and connecting with each other deeply, in smaller “heart-circle” groups.
You will also have the option to have these needs/resources added to a list that we will be creating to distribute to the larger community.
Donations will be accepted to cover the cost of the space. We would appreciate rsvp's to get a sense of the head count, (but last minute decisions to come are ok)
See you there!
the Heart and Soul Leadership Team
Scott, Isa, Alexandra, Karmendra, Julia, & Elizabeth
Heart and Soul Gathering!
Monday Oct 26
7 pm
165 N Main St
More info on the directions:
This event is being held in the classroom space of the Eastern Holistic Center. The entry is to the immediate right of the main street entrance for Sprint Copy Center. There are stairs leading to the loft.