
US Transition Primer

(note: 2MB file to download)

Transition Network UK

This site is home to Transition Initiatives and the Transition Network.

It's a "wiki" for use by all the communities that have adopted the Transition Model for responding positively and creatively to the twin challenges of Peak Oil and Climate Change.

This site provides a focal point for all of these towns, villages, cities and localities around the world as they implement their own Transition Initiative.


TRANSITION TOWNS: An Interview with Rob Hopkins

 The founder of a growing movement shows us around 'Transition Town Totnes' in Devon and talks about peak oil, the origin of the Transition Towns concept and how to help your community develop an 'energy descent plan' and prepare to 'power down.'

Rob Hopkins' Transition Handbook

Founder of the Transition Network spreading throughout the world, Rob Hopkins talks about Transition Town Totnes and moving towards a post-peak oil society. His book The Transition Handbook gives an account of the founding of Transition Town Totnes, and the global spread of Transition towns. He shows you how to start the Transition process in your community, and why it is important that communities are resilient to the coming decline of oil as an energy source. He also includes the facts about peak oil, and puts a persuasive argument for acting now, rather than later.

Saving Salmon, Saving Us - OAEC

Can saving the salmon save your family?
OAEC WATER Institute uses amazing underwater footage to give you a behind-the-scenes look at the historic reintroduction of endangered Coho Salmon to the Salmon Creek Watershed in Sonoma County, CA, where experts reveal why Coho are disappearing, and what that means for you.

Transition US


Transition US is a nonprofit organization that provides inspiration, support, training, and networking for Transition Initiatives across the United States.

New York Times Magazine: The End is Near (Yay!) ~ April 19, 2009

This article appeared in the New York Times Magazine in April 2009. Click the link below to open the pdf file.

The Transition Handbook


The Transition Handbook: from oil dependency to local resilience
by Rob Hopkins

240 pages in two colours, 234 x 234mm

Published August 2008 by Chelsea Green

Available at Copperfields Books in Sebastopol

Jennifer Gray speaking on Transition Towns - Cotati 2008

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