
Elders Salon

A Wisdom Council or Discussion Group of Transition Sebastopol

The Elders Salon is composed of any self-defined elders who wish to participate, is open to anyone, and is free of charge. We've been meeting since March, 2010, on the 4th Thursdays (excepting holidays when it is moved to the prior Thursday) at 6:30 pm at Sequoia Village Cohousing, 459 Sequoia Lane, Sebastopol. Every Friday afternoon we host informal conversations from 3:30 pm to 6:00 at Coffee Catz; drop in and out on your own time schedule. Additionally, since June 2012 a group "Becoming Change" has been meeting from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the same place in a slower-paced look at how change happens from the inside-out. A radio show "Growing an Elder Culture" airs on KOWS Radio, 107.3 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm each 2nd Thursday (or more conveniently all back shows can be streamed from the website www.elderculture.com - click the radio image).
Announcements are made via email on the Transition Sebastopol calendar email list and on the Transition Elders Salon Announce list.
Representatives are Alexandra Hart <ahart[at]sonic.net> 707-827-3781 and David Goff <dg1140[at]sonic.net> 707-291-0438. Being added to our email list is available by request to Alexandra.

Elders Salon BECOMING CHANGE group April, 2014

News: Click here to read about the Earth Elders and Transition Elders Salon merging.

Calling All Elders, Earth Elders, Wannabe Elders, Soon-to-become Elders, or Interested Baby Boomers on up! 

The Elder Salon is a nonhierarchical circle of peers. We’ll introduce the discussion with some thoughts from an elder voice or thought-provoking instigator to kick off our own discovery of what it is WE think and believe about the topic; what WE want and need now and in our future; what WE think should be the course of action and attitudes as we progress into and through our older years.
WHY:  There are a lot of new ideas about aging, staying youthful in body and spirit, and our role in society and local life. What have our generational contributions been and what is left undone? What are our mistakes and triumphs? 
If we don’t want others to determine what becomes of us in very old age, we need to be proactive and begin making conscious, thoughtful choices about our future, how we want to live and be regarded.
What role do elders want to play in the coming changes; what wisdom can we offer?

To sign up for the Elders Salon Announcement or Discussion lists see below.

There is also an Elders blog managed by  cofaciliitator, David Goff, here: www.elderssalon.blogspot.com

Source Material:
A beginning list of resource books to kick off discussions:

  • The Making of an Elder Culture: Reflections on the Future of America’s Most Audacious Generation, Theodore Roszak, New Society Press, 2009

  • Audacious Aging, Edited by Stephanie Marohn, Elite Books Online, 2009

  • The Transition Handbook, From Oil Dependence to Local Resilience, 2008, Rob Hopkins  
  • 60 On Up The Truth About Aging in America. Lillian B. Rubin, New Beacon Press, 2007

Becoming Change in a Changing World is open to all of Transition Sebastopol and is held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, 7 - 9 pm at Sequoia Village Cohousing Common House

Sequoia Village Cohousing Common House
459 Sequoia Lane, Sebastopol —
(off Covert Lane, opposite Pacific Market (Fiesta) and west a little, before Pleasant Hill Rd.)



Informal Elders in Conversation

Friday afternoons at 3:30 at Coffee Catz, an informal gathering, usually outdoors, at least in good weather. There has been a different assortment of folks at each one, usually about half a dozen of us. We encourage you to try it some week. Ask at the counter or check the far back room if it’s cold or wet out or outside if it's warm. It's possible no one would show up , but in four years it hasn’t happened yet! Look for Lucky's wheelchair as a clue.


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Elder Salon 03/25/2010

Hi, All,
Very successful event in my opinion. Thanks to all your support and efforts!
We had about 40 people and could "just" fit them in a circle. Could encompass a few more in that space. Lots of enthusiasm expressed.

3 in their 40's
7 in their 50's
12 in their 60's
10 in their 70's
4 in their 80's
(Some didn't get counted)

12 live alone
9 live with their partner
1 is in senior housing
12 live with family or friends
5 live in cohousing

(No other arrangements noted. Possibly not allocated accurately.)

Four dots were issued to each participant, with two to go on favorite topic, and then one each on two others. Since 93 dots were counted and probably 160 issued, not everyone bothered.

Topics of interest to the group:

Elder Insurgency/The Longevity Revolution/power of demographics/Legacy of our generation(s)/Roles and Responsibilities of Elders/Purpose & Meaning -- "giving back"/Transition Contributions/Responsibilities to Society & Planet:

These all have some common threads from one to another. Individually they received a maximum of 19 (for Elder Insurgency (Longevity Revolution — a coalition to embody generosity and justice), ideas mined from Theodor Roszak’s The Making of an Elder Culture.

In aggregate there were 48 dot "votes" for the above topics

Consciousness & Spiritual aspects/Life-threatening illness as a Rite of Passage/Caring for each other:

20 dot "votes"

Medical/Health/End-of-Life Issues/Right to Die:

14 dot "votes"

Companionship, Relationship & Sex/Living Situations/:
11 dot "votes"


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