heart & soul

Reading from “Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind.”

Oct 8 2009 6:30 pm
Oct 8 2009 8:30 pm

Local ecotherapists Shepherd Bliss, Larry Robinson, and Sara Harris will read from their chapters in new Sierra Club Book “Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind” on Oct. 8, Thursday, from 6:30 to 8:30 at Copperfield’s in Sebastopol, 138 N. Main Street.

The book is a sequel to the ground-breaking “Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind.” Farmer and SSU teacher Shepherd Bliss will read about agrotherapy from his chapter “In Praise of Sweet Darkness.” Retired psychotherapist and Sebastopol City Council member Larry Robinson’s chapter is entitled “Psychotherapy as if the World Mattered,” which Utne Reader re-printed. Psychotherapist and wilderness guide Sara Harris’ chapter is “Beyond the “Big Lie’: How One Therapist Began to Wake Up.” The book has received positive reviews in Time magazine, Huffington Post, and elsewhere. The reading is free.


138 N. Main Street

Sebastopol Wellness Fair

Oct 17 2009 11:00 am
Oct 17 2009 5:00 pm

The coming Wellness Fair on Sat Oct 17th, in Sebastopol is shaping up
to be an amazing, dazzling, healing event you don't want to miss!
Sample the wealth of alternative modalities, practitioners, wellness
products Sonoma County has to offer, we are blessed!

90 plus alternative practitioners and wellness vendors, wholesome
veggie food, magic Native American flute and vocal/acoustic guitar,
belly dancing, free or greatly reduced hands on sessions, samples,
gift certificates for wellness services/products, info, healing,
support, progressive community and so much fun! bring your friends
and family!

Here are some more of the attractions awaiting you:

* Rich Shames, M.D. and Georjana Shames, L.ac are a father and
daughter team bringing you their combined East West experience with
thyroid, adrenal and reproductive hormone balance * Elton M. Haas,
M.D., physician, author, medical director of the Preventive Medical
Center of Marin, the only integrative healthcare facility in the Bay
Area working w/insurance integrating mainstream medicine and
alternative care.

* Kyle Yoder, DC specializing in car accidents/whiplashe s and lower
back injuries/problems, newly arrived here, complimentary spinal
evaluations and mini hands on sessions, offering services by
donations, come say hello to him and welcome him here!

* Michael Brickey with feldenkrais, a system of somatic re-education
for improved movement and well being * Marcia Mengelberg with Aura
Soma therapy, Miessence organic skincare products, massage gift
certificates * hot stone massage with Elise Lorraine, CMT, NCBTMB

* Diana Concoff Morgan, M.A. holistic health educator, minister,
relationship communication expert - personal, professional and
romantic, for over 20 years has performed marriages and other
personalized spiritual ceremonies and rituals, come get info on
future classes and services and whole heart relations tips!

*Dinndayal Morgan, founder and director of Pathfinder institute,
School of Yoga Heart Meditative Movement, a certified Kriya yoga
teacher and Minister, Professor of martial Sciences, 7th degree black
belt in Chinese Kempo, Jujitsu and Eagle Claw Kung Fu, Five Rings
Movement Psychology. He teaches Yoga at Tone in Santa Rosa, visit his
booth for info about moving thru life transitions, classes and

*Michaela McGivern blends energy medicine with other modalities for
compassionate mind-body healing: Quantum Energetics, Theta Medical
Healing, Incan Shamic work, Nutri-Energetics, Applied Kinesiology,
muscle testing, intuitive readings.

* Jeri Nager with her delightful, beautiful gourd art creations,
class info! * Scott with his locally crafted delicious organic freeze-
dried wheatgrass powder *Zrii nutritional health drink combining
Ayruvedic medicine, modern phytonutrient technology and
pharmacological grade formulations and so much more!!!

For booth info please email vardarose@att. net or call 829 9794, few
booths still available!

Free Admission!!!
Masonic Lodge, 373 N. Main St. (across from Safeway)



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Heart & Soul  (March 11)
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